About us

The First Global Wildland Fire Program

This is the First Online Wildland Fire Training Program offering quality training that is accessible to all sector operators anywhere in the world.

TEP – The Emergency Program arose in view of the global challenge of 21st century wildland fires affecting all territories of the world as they’re constantly changing and becoming faster due to the climate emergency.

Considering these new scenarios, traditional methods are no longer enough to handle this challenge meaning effective solutions need to be offered.

This situation makes knowledge fundamental and that’s why we’ve created a platform with learning content through an innovative training program with a global approach based on real case studies and new strategies to meet every need.

“The TEP – The Emergency Program mission is to make innovative training accessible to all wildland fire professionals around the world with new strategies that seek to meet the needs of 21st century wildland fires all while being applicable to the target professionals’ job”

Moreover, we’re supported by collaboration from the University of Lleida (UdL) and Vallfirest.

If you’d like more information on our Collaboration Agreements, see our website.

About us

Mercedes Bachfischer

International Wildfire Data analyst

TEP Researcher


Víctor López

Media and comunication on wildfires

TEP Responsible for editing and recording


Borja Ruiz

Tactical Analyst

TEP Content creator, Volunteer Firefighter and Assistant Technician of GRAF Planning Division


David Pérez Wiesner

Technical Forestry Engineer, Master "Wildland Fires, Science and Integral Management".

A wildfire operations technician


How much do you know about wildland fires?

We’ve created a test on topics that any wildland fire sector expert should know.

The purpose is not to grade you, but rather help you assess whether The Emergency Program is right for you.

Find out with our test

Do the test