Our team

A passion for wildland as well the professionalism and experience that back us have allowed us to become leaders in the wildland fire emergency sector. Thanks to professionals with extensive experience from different countries around the world, who are leaders in Spain and abroad, we’ve developed a program to train you and become part of the change.

Our mission is to disseminate the problem and mitigate the impact of climate change by spreading awareness among society and giving professional teams the knowledge and skills to handle the challenge.

TEP Instructors

Mercedes Bachfischer

International Wildfire Data analyst

TEP Researcher


Borja Ruiz

Tactical Analyst

TEP Content creator, Volunteer Firefighter and Assistant Technician of GRAF Planning Division


Marc Castellnou i Ribau

International Wildland Fire Strategy Analyst

Chief of Wildland fire division GRAF


Raúl Quílez

International Wildland Fire Analyst

PhD Wildland Fires ULE. MG Master Fuego. Forestry Engineering and Natural Environment Degree


Miguel Ángel Botella

International Wildfire Analyst.

Planning Division 902 Valencia


Juan Caamaño

International specialist in AR operations in wildfires

Forestry Engineer and Wildland fire Operations Technician. Pau Costa Foundation


Santi Fuster

Tactical Analyst

Firefighter of GRAF Tarragona


Marc Monturiol

Tactical Analyst

Sergeant of Catalunya Fire Service


TEP Contributors/Experts

Al Beaver

Principal at Wildland Fire Risk Management LTD

Wildland Fire Risk Management LTD


Juan Ballesta

Tactical Analyst / Lecturer of CFGS in Emergency and Civil Protection Coordination, MG Master Fuego

Head Wildland Fire Unit of the Valencian Government.


Marta Miralles

International Wildland Fire Analyst

Deputy Inspector GRAF Planning Division


Scott Purdy

Graduate Research Assistant. San Jose State University

Fire Weather Research Lab

California. USA

Moises Galán

Suppression Directo

Bombers Generalitat de Catalunya


Jordi Brull

Head of the Analysis and Prediction section

CONAF - Forest Fire Control Department


Ricard Expósito

Suppression Director

Catalunya Fire Service


Francesc Boix

Forestry Coordinator. Provincial Firefighters Consortium of Valencia.

Advanced Training Lecturer in Emergencies Coordination and Civil Protection.


San, Manuel Martinez Méndez

Wildland Firefighter

Xunta de Galicia


Joan Esteve

Tactical Analyst

Catalunya Fire Service, GRAF


Harrison Raine


Member of the Logan Hotshots unit

United States

How much do you know about wildland fires?

We’ve created a test on topics that any wildland fire sector expert should know.

The purpose is not to grade you, but rather help you assess whether The Emergency Program is right for you.

Find out with our test

Do the test