Our Programs


The evolution of forest fires has led us to face more intense and faster fires, phenomena with greater pyroconvection, more extensive episodes of simultaneity, and increasing impact on wildland-urban interface areas, creating highly complex scenarios that often lead to collapse.

In extreme situations, decision-making is slowed down by the complexity of events. As human beings, we focus on what is known and do not see the unknown, causing our actions to sometimes lag behind what is happening.

In this context, The Emergency Program was born, as a training that imparts knowledge to generate know-how based on the experience and lessons learned from active experts in various organisations or emergency services in different regions or countries. The dissemination of this knowledge allows all of us, firefighters and commanders, to improve our understanding of what we see and what we do or even understand how others work or make decisions, with the main objective of gaining safety and efficiency in our individual or team actions.

Each course has tutors who monitor the platform, with spaces for direct or group consultations. We issue our own certificate, whose validity for public tenders or private contracts will depend on the specific terms of the tender or contract.

This training is valid for working on forest fires in any country, which is why we are already training professionals from Spain, Latin America, and Europe.

Therefore, whatever your specialty, organisation, or country, we are waiting for you!

We are confident that, in addition to expanding your knowledge, you will enjoy the best online training in forest fires to date.


Xosé Bieito Rodríguez

Environmental agent responsible for a helicopter base to defend against forest fires in Pontevedra



The course has been interesting for me and it will help me to better exercise my skills as a public employee in the management of forest fires.

José Garcia

Environmental Agent



Interesting, professional, helpful, it helps another vision of the emergency and also of the management of that emergency.

Jorge Lozano



Complete. I found it very good and would recommend it. You explain the real and current operation that is applied in forest fires. What you offer I have not found in textbooks. Especially the operation. The videos are very didactic and enlightening. The text on the slides is sometimes confusing and it is difficult to understand what you want to convey, but since you repeat the concepts several times, in the end the idea is grasped. The figures and photos that accompany the slides are a good complement to the text, although sometimes you repeat them too much. They are visual examples of what you want to convey and support the explanations. Perhaps you should indicate that the last topics are the ones with the most workload because they contain exercises that require dedication. I have not been able to keep the course up to date and I planned the last topics based on what the first ones brought me, however, having to develop exercises,... uncertainty appeared and I found myself in the red zone of the matrix (hahaha). For someone who is working, the dedication times of 1 topic a day is ambitious. Perhaps it would be good to increase the duration of the course somewhat. It would not be bad if you provided notes or that you take out a book for the students. I think that it would allow us to be able to work the course without having to use the computer. I do not know if you will correct the exercises that I have been delivering. It would be nice to know if I have put in some outrage when it comes to arranging means, defining objectives, tactics, maneuvers, architectures, etc.

Eugenio Capón

Environmental Agent



Totally agree; Fire must be seen as a natural, provoked or accidental phenomenon that is part of our landscape and that evolves in it in parallel to climatic, social, cultural, economic changes, etc. Managing it coherently and assuming that it is part of the modeling of new ecosystems is anticipating the future and acting professionally. Thank you so much.

Felisindo Rodríguez

Forestry Agent



I found it very interesting, complete and with a practical vision of what is the reality of a fire and everything that entails.

Sara Romero

Xefa do distrito forestal V. FISTERRA



It is very interesting, perhaps there are certain classes that should be face-to-face and in my opinion it is a course of more hours

Ramón Recaman

Forest tech engineer



The best course I have taken in a long time. Highlight the insistence of knowledge of the new reality.

Juan Carlos López

Director of fire extinguishing



With the TEP you acquire new tools with which you understand and learn to think in a structured way in order to understand a fire.

Sonia Queimadelos

Environmental Agent



Very interesting and the truth is that I did not know many terms or concepts and I was delighted to have learned strategies and above all to analyze fires in a different way.

José Manuel Araújo

Forest District Technician



The course is very interesting and I think it can be very useful for the Galician fire service that has traditionally lacked the necessary training. It is by far the best fire training course I have been given access to. In my professional experience working on fires in Galicia, I always have the feeling that when we fail to control the fire in the first attack, it is very difficult for us to change the chip and reorganize the device for a quick and effective extended attack. This course shows us very interesting tools for this transition. I also find the jargon it creates very interesting.

Monica Leizan

Forest Technical Engineer


The course is very, very good but there are times when it is too long and in my opinion it is "a bit heavy". There are many topics and all of them interesting once you've gone through them but overall, topic after topic and another topic... it caused me a little stress at specific moments.

Gemma Arjo Rella

Technical forestry engineer, management of public forests



I have written down all the considerations about this great course, I will send you by mail the notes that I have been taking. But for now I can only say that a great world has opened up to me thanks to what they have offered me with the TEP.

Luisja Hernández

Agent for the Protection of Nature (Gang team leader, Head of sector, Director of extinction B)



Brilliant. Congratulations on giving birth to this formation.

Our Programs

Your courses

Each course is structured into training modules. Within each module, you will find the training unit, which is the class.

In each class: you will find introductory slides, a video lecture with the expert, and final slides summarising the video.

Unlocking: each class ends with a mini-test that, upon passing, allows you to unlock and access the next lesson.

Contents: you will find them in the technical sheets of each course.

Material: you will find downloadable materials such as diagrams, images, graphics, etc. However, if you want to have access to the entire course whenever you want, you can extend your licence and won’t need to accumulate files.

Time: you can spend as much time as you want on each class or even watch it as many times as you need. On average, each lesson takes between 15 to 30 minutes.

  • Conversations with successful professionals
  • Downloadable materials
  • Assessment tests

Your Licence

Individual and Non-Transferable: The payment for a course entitles you to an individual and non-transferable licence that will allow you to obtain your own certificate of completion.

Licence Extension: Once the course is completed, you can activate the licence at any time to study, research, or consult any detail at a super reduced price. This is also valid if you completed the course and want to extend it.

Discounts for Alumni: Students who have already completed a course can request their personalised discount coupon for the next course.

Get your coupon or licence extension through hola@emergprogram.com or the website's WhatsApp.

Our Programs

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